Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So much to be grateful for everyday this year. If given the task of naming 12 things I am thankful for:
{fyi: this list is not in any particular order nor it is completely inclusive .. there is lots i am thankful for.}

1. Ability to spent time with my truelove
2. My entire caring & supportive family
3. The most adorable babies born in '08, and their patient & awesome mom's
4. My health, my friend's and family's health {this could count for all 12}
5. A job that I love to do, including the cute children I see everyday at work & wonderful girls I work with
6. The over-the-top sweet friends that have and their kind words
7. My very calm, loving, hard working, smart, sweet other half
8. The perseverance of Keara C., along with the Twilight books
9. The fact that I have made somewhat of a dent in my school loans [not so much the dent the economy has made in my 401K]
10. My beautiful home
11. Ability to be creative
12. My cell phone, which includes text messaging. HGTV and reality shows .. I know

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