Sunday, July 11, 2010


This is what weekends are made of:

wake up with the wonderfully sweet other half.  love on the littlest H. eat a scrumshish breakfast. hang out with the hubby all weekend. ibelle got both of her parents for 2 days in a row. get some treats from jd chippery (buy extra to take to work). eat all the treats, even the extras. mama got a hair cut. have i mentioned how i love to have my hair brushed (and it was washed, double score!). give rowdy a bath. lower baby crib, since we have a BIG GIRL! {see below}. save a lovie from apparent suicide attempt {also see below}. go to target. take rowdy for check up at the vet. take ibelle for a walk x 2. take ibelle for a swing x multiple. try to get isabelle to pull up on her own: which she did, once. wear bangs {see 2nd pic below}. try to get isabelle to eat some foods, today it was carrots + raspberries + wagon wheels. love that isabelle can make kiss noises, thanks to the teachings of her papa. clean. clean up a paper mess {see 3rd pic}. eat yummy dinner from OG. do and redo many-a-pigtail. i love weekends.

*click pICHture to see bigger.

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