Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday funday!

Today was perfect in so many ways. Mostly because it was Saturday & ibelle and I got to hang out! Then there was a super fun birthday party, ibelle + her dad time and ibelle + shoe time!

{love the red sparkly and pink plastic croc shoe??? Her choice!}

As I mentioned before, Isabelle loves shoes. All. the. time. she is stalking me to put on my shoes or to put shoes on her. It is the cutest thing of all time. (except when..*)

I love these moments!!!

{striking a pose while waiting to let rowdy in.}

*Funny, last weekend I wanted her to wear specific shoes, but they wouldn't fit with socks. I got an alternative pair but she wouldn't have it!! Turns out someone had a huge shoe meltdown!! I don't think anyone can appreciate that unless they dealt with a 16 month old with sass!!

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